the z list irl 💥🧿✨👩🏻‍💻

upcoming events hosted by zehra & a few besties

how was your long weekend? i got a necklace fixed in chinatown, watched ant-man 3 (disappointing — as a marvel fan), listened to boy's a liar p2 on repeat, finalized my list of the 5 best matcha lattes in nyc, and worked (ofc). 

Z List IRL hosted by Zehra

thursday 2/23

  • Content Accountability Group (Founders, Investors, Operators)

    • for who: founders, investors, and operators who want to co-work out of the Republic office. small curated group - reply to this email if you'd like to join this week's session or future sessions.

friday 2/24 

  • Pitch & Walk

    • for who: anyone! early stage investors & founders are most well represented

    • one attendee of this week's pitch & walk will win a pair of bala bangles

monday 2/27 

  • How I Built it: Alex Lieberman

    • for who: founders looking to learn from Alex about how he built a brand and scaled it. we're prioritizing founders although this is open to anyone.

    • hosted by: Zehra & Jack

tuesday 2/28 

coming up in march: fill out this form to indicate interest 

  • speed pitching event

    • for who: investors and founders

  • creator, operator, & influencer angel investing 101 series

    • for who: creators, operators, and influencers with disposable income looking to learn how to angel invest. virtual & irl programming.

  • why make an LLC?

    • for who: angel investors, operators, and freelancers looking to create an LLC to standardize/centralize their investments or freelance gigs.

  • emerging manager 101 

    • for who: VCs, investors, operators interested in starting their own fund

  • female founders & investors event

    • for who: femme identifying founders and investors

  • beauty founders, investors, & operator event

    • for who: founders, investors, operators, & creators in beauty

  • pre-seed founder & investor introductions "college fair" style

    • for who: pre-seed investors and founders. this event will feature 15 early-stage NYC-based funds in a "college fair" style room. founders will be able to speak to representatives at each firm and walk around the room meeting each fund. every 45 minutes 30 new founders will enter the space so it doesn't get too busy (this will happen thrice).

Besties' Events

wednesday 2/22

  • Tech Breakfast Club

    • hosted by: Morgan

    • for who: anyone building or investing in something weird (according to Morgan)

    • I'll be there! 

tuesday 2/28

  • VC Dinner in LA! reply to this email if interested

    • hosted by: Elana 

    • for who: founders

thursday 3/23 

Please reply to this email if you'd like to amplify your events with the z list community or if you'd like to collaborate on an event together. 

Have fun! 💥🧿✨👩🏻‍💻